"Seasons" Monthly Fiber Subscription - International Orders Only

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Monthly Fiber Subscription - "Seasons"

This Listing is for International Orders Only


If you are from the USA and want to subscribe, please CLICK HERE


Welcome to our very first GWFW Fiber Box Subscription!  I'm so excited about this new product.  Each month we will dye an exclusive colorway based on a seasonal photo.  It will be a surprise every month in your mailbox.  Won't this be fun?

The Basic Box will contain (1) 4 oz. braid of the variegated colorway fiber along with (2) 2 oz. braids of coordinating Semi-Solid colors.  (photo of colored braids is an example of one variegated with one semi-solid)

Your first box will contain a special booklet in which to put the monthly stickers that will be in each box.  The booklet contains space for writing which fibers you received and the ideas you have for them.  

Seasons is a 12 month subscription, and your subscription will end 12 months after you sign up.  Please know you can change, pause, or cancel your subscription at any time by reaching out to me using this Contact Form.

Now, for the fun stuff!  You can choose from three different types of fiber boxes and three different sizes.  But, you don't have to stop there . . . you can order more than one type of box if you want to, too!  We won't stop you.


Box Type Descriptions

Each Box will rotate through the listed Combed Top Fiber

100% Wool Box 




Superfine Merino

Mixed Fiber Box

80% Polwarth/20% silk

50% Merino/25% Silk/25% Bamboo

60% Merino/20% Camel/20% Silk

Luxury Fiber Box

50% Yak/50% Silk

50% Camel/50% Silk

62.5% Superfine Merino/25% Silk/12.5% Cashmere


Size Descriptions

Basic - 8 ounces of Fiber

(1) 4 oz. Variegated and (2) 2 oz. coordinating Semi-Solid colors

Double Scoop - 16 ounces of Fiber - 5% Discount

(2) 4 oz. Variegated and (2) 4 oz. coordinating Semi-Solid colors

Triple Scoop - 24 ounces of Fiber - 10% Discount

(3) 4 oz. Variegated and (2) 6 oz. coordinating Semi-Solid colors



International Shipping rates will be calculated at check out.  Shipping will be done through DHL.  All customs, duties, and fees required by your country will be listed and paid for at check out thus eliminating any unexpected costs at time of delivery.  By paying all up front, it also speeds delivery time . . . and we all want our squishy fiber as soon as possible, right?


The Nitty Gritty of this Subscription

If you order before the 15th of the month, your first box will go out on the 25th of that month.  If you order between the 16th - end of the month, your first box will ship the 25th of the next month.  Our very first box will ship on April 25, 2024

Please be sure to enter your email when making your order.  We will contact you the first of the month letting you know that the next month's box is ready to order and with a link to where you may purchase it online.  In order to receive each month's box, please make your order by the 15th of each month.  You will need to manually purchase each box because our automated system does not calculate shipping and costs for international orders.

You can change, pause, or cancel your subscription at any time by contacting me using the contact form on our webpage.

The Seasons Subscription Box cycles through 12 different boxes during the year.

Have fun!




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